Issue Nº9

Issue Nº9
Featuring The Art Project with works by Jared Buckhiester, Malerie Marder, Wanda Orme, Laurel Nakadate & Matt Lambert. The Love Project with photos by Nino Muñoz, Jack Pierson, Daniel Jack Lyons, Dennis Golonka, Alex Freund, Luis Venegas, Chris Craymer, Alessandro Dal Buoni, Chris Hanley, Hao Zeng, Cornelius Käss, Fabio Paparelli Malerie Marder & Slater Bradley. The Fashion Project With Subjects Dominique Brannontel, Briggs Rudder, Emma Surmon, Morten Nielsen, Akiva Miller, Samuel Wilken, Jazelle Zanaughtti, Lucas Satherley, Noah Boling, Claire Kempf & Rory Mackenzie Arthur, Maria Kundry, Sarah Abney, Amira Pinheio, Madison Rian, Marland Backus, Nathan Morgan, Clement Puyoou. Caleb Landry Jones & Sophie Cookson with Photography by Enrique Badulescu, Arielle Bobb-Willis, Dennis Golonka & Francesco Barion. The Last Project remembering Christophe Kutner.
258 Pages
11 x 9 inches
ISSN: 977-2161-2420-01